py-approval-utilities | Utilities for your production code that work well with approvaltests | |
py-approvaltests | Assertion/verification library to aid testing | |
py-archan (V) | Analysis of your architecture strength based on DSM data | |
py-archinfo | Classes with architecture-specific information | |
py-argcomplete | Bash and other shells tab completion for argparse | |
py-argparse | Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools | |
py-argparse-addons | Additional argparse types and actions | |
py-argparse-manpage | Build manual page from python's ArgumentParser object | |
py-args | Command Arguments for Humans | |
py-arpeggio (V) | Packrat parser interpreter | |
py-art (V) | ASCII Art Library For Python | |
py-aspyct (V) | Python library including an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) engine | |
py-ass (V) | Library for parsing and manipulating Advanced SubStation Alpha | |
py-astor | Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs | |
py-astroid | Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast | |
py-astunparse | AST unparser for Python | |
py-async (V) | Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers | |
py-async_generator | Async generators and context managers for Python 3.5+ | |
py-async-lru | Simple LRU cache for asyncio | |
py-async-timeout | Timeout context manager for asyncio programs | |
py-asyncmock (V) | Extension to the standard mock framework to support support async | |
py-asyncpg (V) | Asyncio PosgtreSQL driver | |
py-asynctest (V) | Unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries | |
py-at-spi2 | Python Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface | |
py-atom (V) | Memory efficient Python objects | |
py-atomicwrites | Python module for atomic file writes on POSIX | |
py-atpublic | @public decorator for Python | |
py-attrs | Attributes without boilerplate | |
py-attrs-strict (V) | Provides runtime validation of attributes specified | |
py-autoflake (V) | Removes unused imports and unused variables | |
py-automat | Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go | |
py-autopep8 | Automatic formatter of Python code to conform to PEP 8 | |
py-awesome-slugify (V) | Python flexible slugify function | |
py-aws-error-utils | Error-handling functions for boto3/botocore | |
py-aws-sso-lib | Library to make AWS SSO easier | |
py-babel | Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications | |
py-backcall | Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API | |
py-backports | Namespace for backported Python features | |
py-backports_abc | Backport of recent additions to the '' module | |
py-backports.csv (V) | Backport of Python 3s csv module for Python 2 | |
py-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size | Backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil | |
py-backports.strenum | Base class for creating enums that are also subclasses of str | |
py-backports.tarfile (V) | Backport of CPython tarfile module | |
py-baron (V) | Full Syntax Tree for python to make writing refactoring code | |
py-bc-python-hcl2 (V) | Parser for HCL2 | |
py-bech32 | Bech32 reference implementation | |
py-behave | Behaviour-driven development | |
py-behaviour (V) | Behaviour Driven Development in Python | |
py-beniget | Extract semantic information about static Python code | |
py-binaryornot | Guess whether a file is binary or text | |
py-bincopy (V) | Mangling of various binary file formats | |
py-bitarray | Efficient arrays of booleans | |
py-bitstring | Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data | |
py-black (V) | Uncompromising Python code formatter | |
py-blessed | Wrapper around terminal styling, screen positioning, and input | |
py-blinker | Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling | |
py-blosc (V) | Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library | |
py-blosc2 (V) | Python wrapper for the Blosc compression library | |
py-blurb (V) | Command-line tool to manage CPython Misc/NEWS.d entries | |
py-boltons | Functionality that should be in the standard library | | | Define boolean algebras, create and parse boolean expressions and create custom boolean DSL | |
py-boost | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library) | |
py-boost-cmake | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python cmake files) | |
py-brian2 (V) | Clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks | |
py-bson (V) | BSON codec for Python | |
py-bugzilla | Bugzilla XMLRPC access module | |
py-build | Simple, correct PEP517 package builder | |
py-buildbot | Continuous integration system | |
py-buildbot-badges | Badges Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-console-view | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-grid-view | Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-pkg | Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-waterfall-view | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-worker | Worker for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-www | Web frontend for the buildbot CI system | |
py-bump2version | Version-bump software with a single command | |
py-bumpver | Bump version numbers in project files | |
py-c7n (V) | Cloud Custodian Policy Rules Engine | |
py-c7n-kube (V) | Cloud Custodian Kubernetes Support | |
py-cachecontrol | Port of httplib2's caching to requests | |
py-cached-property | Decorator for caching properties in classes | |
py-cachelib | Collection of cache libraries in the same API interface | |
py-cachetools | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators | |
py-cachy | Cachy provides a simple yet effective caching library | |
py-calver | Setuptools extension for CalVer package versions | |
py-canonicaljson | Encodes objects and arrays as RFC 7159 JSON | |
py-canvasapi | API wrapper for the Canvas LMS | |
py-capstone | Python bindings for capstone | |
py-capturer | Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses | |
py-catalogue (V) | Super lightweight function registries for your library | |
py-cattrs | Composable complex class support for attrs and dataclasses | |
py-cbor2 | CBOR (de)serializer with extensive tag support | |
py-cddl | Deserialize CBOR and/or do CDDL schema validation | |
py-cffi | Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code | |
py-cgen (V) | C/C++ source generation from an AST | |
py-chainmap (V) | Polyfill implementing ChainMap | |
py-characteristic | Python attributes without boilerplate | |
py-check-manifest (V) | Check in a Python source package for completeness | |
py-checker | Python code checker | |
py-checkov (V) | Infrastructure as code static analysis | |
mk | Subfolder |